[Discaimer: Those of you, who are new to my blog, please read the entries before this entry. The posts follow a reverse order so you would have to read the previous one's to keep the flow. Thank you]
Kavya Kutti….she was such an adorable kid! 16 year old…shy yet talkative…sweet yet strong voiced…and extremely loving! She was always pampered by all of us…like our very own little sis. I loved her voice and her style of rendering the songs she sang…it was different…hatke…unlike the rest!
More than missing her I miss her dad. Doctor uncle. He was our unofficial caretaker when it came to eating medicines for our cold/cough/throat problems etc. And trust me …Roopa chechi still remains his most ardent patient!! The amount of medicines he used to bring with him for grroming and most of it used to get over by the time shoot was done! Yea…not all of the contestants are strong enough you see. Hmmm not a good sign…but we’re glad we had uncle by our side! Hehe!
A smart, talented, bubbly, sweet & caring 11th grader…that’s Kavya in a capsule! It was sad we couldn’t spend much time with this little girl as she was one of the first to bid farewell to our team. But she was real strong when she walked off. A very graceful walk I must say. The other person who bade farewell was the most prettiest girl out there…Durga…
She was more of an introvert. Never really got the chance to interact extensively with her.

Too bad even she had to leave the show early….but I’m sure theses two girls must be so proud of what they had achieved and I hope they still keep us in mind…all the best to you both!!
Coming up next: My Sasikala partner…the graceful and timid one at SSG!!
Till then… Keep Smiling & Keep Browsing!
SSG (space) Rashmi
All your posts seem to be written between 2AM and 5AM - A genuine night owl ?? :) :)
Interesting narration in any case - Looking forward to the rest.. :)
Hehe! I am partially a night owl...but not soo nocturnal also...well I had a little problem setting the post timings!! Now I have set it right!It will no longer be Green wich Std but Dubai STD time!!... :)
Thanks anyway...and keep browsing! :)
Heh.. Your changing the timezones seem to have messed up the timings for all previous posts here !! So much so as to make my earlier comment (posted as "anonymous") look sort of stupid :)
Not that it matters of course !!
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