A powerful singer…with a powerful voice…has a powerful rhythm sense… We’re talking about…Charu Hariharan!

This young lady is like any other seventeen year old…sweet, emotional, sensitive (at times to an extent where I told her I’d slap her if she thinks low of herself!!) and more than anything…extremely loving and caring. Once she gets attached to a person its very difficult for her to break free…she completely depends on you for moral support. She’s the kind who doesn’t realize her strengths at times and needs someone to really push her up from behind to keep her going.
When I saw her I didn’t think she would turn out to be so sensitive, but poor girl when I saw her crying the first time she messed up one of her melody rounds, I felt so sorry for her. And I couldn’t help but go and do my “counseling” bit (yea yea… I know I sound like a granny but …can’t help these basic instincts you see!hehe!).
Of course we all knew she was Arundathi aunty, the famous singer’s daughter, but very few of us knew that she was a Mridangist as well. And boy !!does she play well or what??!! Here’s a teeny weeny glisme of one of our grooming sessions I managed to capture with my cybershot. I’m extremely sorry for the bad lighting In the video…but the audio is good …atleast I could capture it (which even ATV couldn’t ..HAH!) Enjoy!
(sorry..but youtube is showing a slight problem right now :(...will upload it soon..and then put a notice...till then you can go to this website and watch it.. I uploaded it there. http://www.4shared.com/dir/5767869/6022b61f/sharing.html )
She was an ace when it came to “taalam” even Stephen chettan sometime’s asked her whether the Mridangam portions he set up were sounding alright or not!!
The most enjoyable time I had was when both she & Latha stayed over in my room at the hotel one night. You know how it is yea when girls stay over? Or maybe you don’t…either way you gotta experience it to know what I mean!! (all the ladies will be with me on this one right? ) OH MY GOD….those two kept irritating each other and laughing and giglling the whole night..and kept pushing me till I was almost going to topple over from the bed to the ground! Hehe! What fun we had! Miss all that now!! :(
Charu’s exit happened in a totally unexpected manner. Those of you who saw the show would have known I’m sure. But poor thing I mean…what could she have done? On one side she had a concert which was not confirmed for over months and then she got selected for SSG for which she had no clue she’s stay on that long, and then all of a sudden those people who wanted her to perform at an international concert call her back…and since it was a previously committed event…she couldn’t back out. After all she has to do her duty as a musician as well right? I know how terrible you felt about leaving the show sweety…and trust me…we all missed you as much as you missed being on the show!!
She came regularly to cheer us for a couple of weeks except those weekends when she was busy with college. We shared good times together and I’m glad to have interacted with her…I loved her attitude. Keep that spirit going on sis!! You’ll do wonders I bet!!! :)
Coming up next: ‘Sylish Sizzling Singer’ of SSG…
Until then…Keep Smiling & Keep Browsing!! :)
SSG (space) Rashmi
Hey rash....tat was indeed very interesting. Good to know charu a little more. And yes i would agree with u on the fun girls hav when they r togther ...oh we rock , dnt we!!!!
Charu was good. Nice lady , humble and sweet. And a talent powerhouse thanna. samshayam ottum illaa appee. She will go places especially with her Tabla skills. She and Sooraj could have been in top ten. pinne ellaaam vidhi adhava destiny thanna appee. enthire parayaan. kalippilla. raksha pedum.urappalle. athrey ullu. But Charu should work on strengthenng her mental skills - not getting down easily when criticism are thrown at her. athum koddi sheri aayaal ..rocket pole povum..sheri. sheshem pinnne
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