When I saw her singing “ammaney” (an Arabic song by Diana Hadded) for her 1st auditions, I immediately had an image conjoured up of how she would be…talkative…smart…and a really good performer! Little did I know that I was in for a surprise regarding the former two matters!
The very first grooming through the melody rounds…through the performance rounds…she hardly spoke!! We all called her the smartest one of the lot… guess why?? :) ‘cause she was the only one who was savinbg her energy by not blabbering away! Hehehe…. Oh.. I still haven’t told you who this is yea…. Stylish and Sizzling singer of SSG…Sajla Salim..

It was not that she was an introvert or anything of that sort…she spoke to us… but only after weeks! By the time we hit the performance rounds she got the hang of our jokes and non-sensical talks…and contributed in her own little ways too!! :) I always wondered…how does a quite girl like her go up on that stage and perform like a Bomb??!! Amazing… split personality have we got here? .. Hehe… just kidding dear…
Her dresses were another attraction for all of us. Each time she managed to think of some different style and that too apt for the song she sang…apparently her aunt designs them for her…Great aunty!! :)
[What a coincidence..I am bloggin about Sajla..and her song “Oh January” is playing on my radio right this instance.. No jokes!! ]
I haven’t interacted personally with her neither, so if you ask me how much I know Sajla..I’d say…just as much as you guys do! :) But the day she got eliminated, that was when I was given my lifeline, I did feel bad for her…don’t know why…as in…maybe it was just ‘cause we both were the “performers” among the girls there and when she got out…I thought I’d be the next one. Well… I’m sure she is still doing a lot of stage shows…and seizes the audience with her super performances!! All the very best to you dear!
I hope you guys had a “mind-full” of entries to compensate for my loooooong absence :)
Coming up next: My Karthik of SSG…
Until then…Keep smiling & Keep Browsing!!:)
SSG (space) Rashmi